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Home > Electric Vehicle > Ford F250 EV Conversion > Misc Items

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Pack Voltage System Schematic

This is the schematic for the Hi Voltage DC System.
It includes everything that connects to the pack.
I've left out a few of the hairball connections (like tach and tach sensor) that don't connect to anything else.
(Done with EagleCAD)

2009-04-19_14-52-30.JPG 2009-04-13_15-18-46.JPG TruckPackSystem.jpg Truck12VSystem.jpg TruckACPower.jpg

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File information
Album name:casadelg / Misc Items
Rating (2 votes):44444
Keywords:Schematic Pack EagleCAD
Filesize:233 KiB
Date added:Apr 13, 2009
Dimensions:1477 x 1110 pixels
Displayed:5875 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites