Version 2 Genest Rack4031 viewsThe one worked pretty well, though I couldn't use the Sparrow rear body panel. I just mounted the license plate on the genset rack instead.Oct 09, 2009
Version 2 Genset Rack3856 viewsOct 09, 2009
Version 1 Genset Rack3868 viewsOct 09, 2009
Version 1 Genset Rack4030 viewsThis one was nice in that the Sparrow "rear panel" would just slide into the tubes. Just had to extend the wiring to reach.
The problem was that with all the weight of me and Genset, it would bottom out when going over big bumps.Oct 09, 2009
3602 viewsMar 23, 2008
3090 viewsMar 23, 2008
3299 viewsMar 23, 2008
2848 viewsMar 23, 2008